Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 267 – Norman Roberts


Wind farms and extension of national grid.




National Grid ran a consultation exercise in Shropshire and Powys.  The report said 6000 people had attended making the exercise a great success.  There was not a word about any objection!

The Powys population are keen on asking the Assembly to review TAN8; this seems a big job to me.



There is obviously some fault in the visibility of democracy.  This note suggests that the wellbeing of democratic justice is the "bull's eye" for our Assembly.


(3) Fundamental.

Can we afford easements for the purpose of exhibiting democracy?  To take this point further I list below a few numbers based on the UK digest of energy statistics for 2010 and old notes.

Windfarm made 0.4% of UK energy in 2010; in terms of avoiding carbon based fuel burn this was worth 1%.  The future potential contribution relative to carbon based fuels may be 3% on a UK basis; say 6%, (and maybe long term upto10%) including sea based windfarms.  However we must remember that the 6% is a true input of 3.5% of power demand.  To me, it is easier to use "nuclear" power.  Quick step might be to put another underwater link to France bringing in another 2 Gigawatts which is approximately 3% of UK needs (approx. 60 Gigawatts) and mostly in England.

[The French put up Atomic Power facilities with less fuss than we put into growing Leeks]


(4) Easements

What easements could be offered to accept "a few more windfarms and a few more pylons?"

Money is the obvious answer.  Land owners get rental.  Power suppliers raise their price. The general community gets bigger bills.  There is scope for an environment impact charge with a "front end disruption" levy both paid to the Assembly.  Shropshire needs some special thought.



Norman Roberts